We Make Identical Moldings, Precisely Matching any Old Time Profile


Molding styles change from generation to generation. Even in houses built after 1960, it is sometimes difficult to find the exact same molding profile to fit the existing woodwork. Older style moldings usually are more robust than modern designs. Even with access to architectural salvage resources, matching up an antique molding profile is very much a matter of luck.

Perhaps you are adding a room to an old house, or upgrading a bedroom by adding a

closet. You may need baseboards and casing, plinth blocks and corner blocks identical to the original moldings in the house. We can help you with this. Perhaps you have exterior

moldings, rotted in places or damaged by wind. If you are trying to repair sections missing in this way, you may pay more per foot than you will in replacing all of the woodwork with stock moldings. But you will need fewer linear feet and thereby save money. This is both economical and environmental. Ecovironmental? Green.

Curved Moldings, Radius Stair Nosing

Look at any musical instrument and what do you see? You see curves. Go to any music hall older than 50 years of age and what do you see? You see curves. There's a connection. Hard, flat surfaces are hard on the ears. Did you ever take notice of the many curves in the human ear? So when you want a special place for the grand piano, or you want to step down into an acoustically wonderful room, think about curved surfaces and curved steps. The music is bound to sound better in a room with curves and your ears will thank you for it.